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Sunday, 14 January 2018

A Stolen Jewel

So treasured that it kept many alive,
without it we all are as good as dust, but mine got stolen.
In the darkest times when it was supposed to listen to my calls, it turned deaf ears,
changed its colour like the chameleon that it could no longer be recognized. 
Did i lend it to someone or was it stolen from me?
It whispered to worries "take my place". So tired i would be and yet it was never forthcoming. Instead, my mind was filled with worries? Why was i worried?
Was it because i had gained much and lost much?Was it because of my opportune strengths and threatening weaknesses? Was it because i was never satisfied with who i am and always wanted to be better?
Wait a minute was it because of those pictures and clips my eyes jammed on the streets, the able bodied begging for support that always turned out meagre, pupils sleeping as their fathers walked them home(i could see the stress in those closed eyes), old men working in the military and para military having to drop those heads on woods and bare floors, when dusk resumed its duty and older men would greet younger ones "MORNING SIR" with their two hands stretched forward almost like a prostrate?
I almost forgot, was i worried because i was dumbfounded? could it be because i no longer knew my feeling or cause I wasn't scared to die but scared to leave.
I no longer had an option,
but to watch momma pound those boiled yams when my hands weren't far away? I guess that's why i was worried........Could it be because young hustlers were mocked as they ran along to catch up with buses and cars in order to make sales like flies gallivanting on tailless cows while those with illegitimate means were praised and envied? Could it be because there were more men than women in the market squares? Must it be so?
Have you found my jewel? Did it leave me because the disks got slit, sinuses blocked, cold receptors ordered the hot ones to go on their kneels to bow before them?oh oh maybe its because i had forgotten how the name ascribed to me for identity was spelt?
I seemingly found it in view for only 3,000 seconds and caressed it,........................  I will give anything to hold u close
Then suddenly............. 
Then the thief came,we wrestled only to live me face down with my lips to kiss the dust.
My jewel have been found ... where?
Only but hidden some six feet close to the ground that it seemed it had fallen in love with someone else.....
Oh My Lost Jewel


Edited by Astute7

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